Troubleshoot and resolve issues when Interview Bolt becomes visible during screen sharing.
Interview Bolt is designed to be undetectable during screen sharing sessions. However, in some cases, the application may become visible due to specific settings or configurations.
This guide will help you ensure that Interview Bolt remains invisible during your coding interviews and screen sharing sessions.
Ensure you're using the latest version of Interview Bolt, as we continuously improve our undetectability features.
Download the latest version from our download page.
Open Interview Bolt and go to Settings.
Ensure that the "Undetectable Mode" option is enabled.
If you don't see this option, you may need to update to the latest version.
Interview Bolt is tested with the following screen sharing applications:
If you're using a different application, it may not be fully supported yet.
Zoom Version Compatibility Issue
If you're using Zoom version 6.16 or newer, you'll need to downgrade to an earlier version for Interview Bolt to remain undetectable.
Follow Zoom's official guide on how to downgrade to a previous version.
When possible, share a specific window (like your code editor) instead of your entire screen.
This reduces the chance of Interview Bolt being visible during the sharing session.
Some security or screen recording software may interfere with Interview Bolt's undetectability features.
Temporarily disable any such software during your interview session.
Before your actual interview, we strongly recommend doing a test run with a friend to ensure that Interview Bolt remains undetectable during screen sharing.
If you continue to experience issues with Interview Bolt being visible during screen sharing, please contact our support team at with details about your operating system and the screen sharing application you're using.